Who could say no to a little friendly competition alongside a spirited team rivalry.
This incentive is a perfect way to stay engaged with your team and take your fitness to the next level.

Bonus Team
DawgPound330 735 Cleveland Browns
CLopez415 715 SF 49ers
SOutLaw 655 Baltimore Ravens
BoltsKryukov 650 L.A Chargers
GitFitSteelers 650 Pittsburgh Steelers
HomelandDefense 645 New England Patriots
GeorgeKitty 635 S.F 49ers
BillsMafia 630 Buffalo Bills
RaiderNation510 600 L.V Raiders
TheRealLATeam 590 L.A Rams
NinerEmpire 580 S.F 49ers
AmericasTeam96 570 Dallas Cowboys
DirtyBirdsRevenge470 570 Atlanta Falcons
InTuaWeTrust 560 Miami Dolphins
BroncoNation 560 Denver Broncos
WhoDatNo20 550 N.O Saints
ObiWanMahomie 550 K.C Chiefs
DakAttack 545 Dallas Cowboys

Standings through Week 3
November 3 – Additional team bonus workout points still possible