Let’s Select a Payment Option that Works Best for You

There are two payment options


Paying in full comes alongside a break in the cost of prep. Additional time can always be purchased in advance from our paid-in-full packages, a new month-to-month package or by securing any prep packages featured in our quarterly promos.

Buy Now

priced at for as little as under $8.75 /day


Enrolling in our month-to-month option comes with the benefit of “paying as you go.” With a 3 month minimum contract the month-to-month option is a great option for many. ✨Please take note that paid-in-full pricing does include a break in pricing.

Buy Now

less than $12/day

All Prep packages Include

  • Personalized training, nutrition, cardio and supplementation plans

  • Access to our app. The app gives clients access to their planning, nutrition, support groups, accountability tools such as nutrition tracking and direct messaging from Dante and other admins and even tracking progress through photos and stats

  • Weekly Check-ins

  • Access to our Meals from the Nest Recipe Sections

  • Option to participate in incentive accountability challenges in support groups

  • Ongoing physique assessments

  • Daily Check-ins as we get closer to the contest.

  • Peak Week Daily adjustments

  • Show Day Prep Check-lists

  • Styling Recommendations (i.e suit, tan, hair and makeup)

  • 4 Weeks Post Show Reverse Dieting